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Dr. Afdhal Mahatta, S.H., M.H


Afdal Mahatta is a Lecturer of Business Law at Podomoro University as well as an Expert Staff of Commission III of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). Afdhal Mahatta has earned his master of law and doctoral degrees at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.

With a background as an expert staff at the House of Representatives (DPR RI), Afdhal Mahatta has served as an assistance team for the discussion of bills such as the Supreme Court Bill, Criminal Procedure Bill, Advocate Bill, Criminal Code Bill, Constitutional Court Bill, Attorney Bill, and many more.


Practice Focus

Apart from being a lecturer and expert staff at the House of Representatives, Afdhal Mahatta also often becomes an expert resource person, such as being a resource person for the “Study of the Content of Pancasila Values for Primary School Learners in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s RPJM and Renstra in 2020” organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, being a resource person for the “Construction of the National Development Direction of the GBHN Model” organized by the Secretariat General of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) in 2020, being a resource person for “Harmonization of Regional Regulation Drafting” organized by the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and many more.

Afdhal Mahatta is also active in making books with the titles OMNIBUS LAW Discourse on Its Adoption into the Legislative System and Overview of Commission III DPR RI (Evaluation of Law Enforcement in Indonesia 2014-2019). In addition to books, there are scientific articles that he has written, namely “Observing the Development of the 2019 Presidential Election After the Constitutional Court Decision”, “Pancasila, Human Rights, and Environmental Justice”, and many more.

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Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H., M.Si.
Managing Partner
Prof. Dr. Faisal Santiago, S.H., M.M.
Senior Advisor
Prof. Dr. Ibnu Sina Chandranegara, S.H., M.H.
Senior Partner
Dr. Afdhal Mahatta, S.H., M.H

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