Jurist Resia & Co Attends BPIP Invitation Regarding the Preparation of Recommendation Document Systematics

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As one of the law firms with comprehensive reach and a wide range of services, Jurist Resia & Co consistently provides opinions and input based on research results. One such occasion was when Jurist Resia & Co was invited by the Directorate of Policy Assessment at the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency for the activity ‘Preparation of Systematics for Recommendations on Natural Resources and Energy Management Based on Pancasila Values.’

This event took place on Thursday, June 6, 2024, and was attended by experts and relevant stakeholders. On that occasion, Jurist Resia & Co was represented by Dr. Ade Adhari, S.H., M.H. as the Partner, Luthfi Marfungah, S.H., M.H. as the Associate, and Rayhan F. Fansuri, S.H. as the Researcher.

Jurist Resia & Co is committed to consistently providing input and advice based on the conducted studies, which aligns with Jurist Resia & Co’s core values of grounding every action in knowledge

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