EventLegal Insights for Your Needs

Jurist Resia & Co Provides Legal Opinion on Archive Digitalization to PERURI

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#JRThrowback: Memutar Cerita Dalam Medium yang Berbeda

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Luthfi Marfungah, Doktor Ilmu Hukum Termuda Universitas Brawijaya

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Organize a Focus Group Discussion on the Omnibus Method, Pelindo Invites Managing Partner of Jurist Resia & Co

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Jurist Resia & Co attended the Prolankesma Foundation Discussion Invitation

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Jurist Resia & Co Presented the Results of a Study on the Distribution and Discontinuation of Housing Subsidies

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Jurist Resia & Co Attends BPIP Invitation Regarding the Preparation of Recommendation Document Systematics

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Peringati 1 Tahun Berdiri, Jurist Resia & Co Gelar Tasyakuran dan Buka Puasa Bersama

1 tahun berdirinya Jurist Resia & Co diperingati dengan tasyakuran yang juga diselenggarakan bersamaan dengan buka puasa bersama seluruh tim Jurist Resia & Co.

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Pengumuman Pemenang Lomba Esai Nasional

Jurist Resia & Co berkolaborasi dengan Kolegium Jurist Institute menyelenggarakan Lomba Esai Nasional dalam rangka memperingati 1 tahun berdirinya Jurist Resia & Co

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Jurist Resia & Co is a business entity established in the form of a limited liability company under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia which operates in the field of legal services and legal research centers.

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