
Jurist Resia & Co achieved the ELITE ONE category in four areas at the Hukumonline Practice Leaders 2024

In addition to receiving awards at the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesian Law Firm 2024 event, Jurist Resia & Co also achieved recognition in the Hukumonline Practice Leaders 2024, as follows: ELITE ONE: Insurance Private Equity and Investment Management Fund Technology, Telecoms, Media, and Internet Tax and Customs ELITE II: Project Mining, Energy, and Renewable Energy […]

Jurist Resia & Co achieved the ELITE ONE category in four areas at the Hukumonline Practice Leaders 2024 Read More »

Jurist Resia & Co Receives Several Awards at the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesian Law Firm 2024

On the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesian Law Firm 2024 awards, Jurist Resia & Co recognized in several categories: Rank 3: Rising Star Full Service Law Firm 2024 Rank 55: Indonesian Law Firm 2024 Rank 43: Largest Full Service Law Firm 2024 Rank 58: Most Female Partners Law Firm 2024 This awards serve as evidence of

Jurist Resia & Co Receives Several Awards at the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesian Law Firm 2024 Read More »

#JRPublication: Perbedaan RUPS dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Obligasi

Merujuk Pasal 109 angka 1 Perppu Cipta Kerja yang mengubah Pasal 1 angka 4 UU PT Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (“RUPS”) adalah organ perseroan yang mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada direksi atau dewan komisaris dalam batas yang ditentukan dalam undang-undang dan anggaran dasar. Kegiatan RUPS merupakan kegiatan yang menjadi salah satu agenda rutin yang

#JRPublication: Perbedaan RUPS dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Obligasi Read More »

#JRPublication: Dapatkah KPU Menjadi Objek Hak Angket DPR?

Beberapa waktu ini ramai diperbincangkan soal gagasan beberapa tokoh untuk melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kecurangan pemilu melalui DPR. Pihak penyelenggara pemilu salah satunya adalah KPU. Lantas, apakah KPU dapat dijadikan objek hak angket DPR? Jika merujuk UU MD3, hak angket merupakan hak DPR untuk melakukan penyidikan terhadap pelaksanaan undang-undang dan/atau kebijakan pemerintah, seperti kebijakan presiden, wakil

#JRPublication: Dapatkah KPU Menjadi Objek Hak Angket DPR? Read More »

#JRPublication: Regulatory Capture on Emergency Due Process of Law-Making

Jurist Resia & Co congratulates Senior Partner, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Sina Chandranegara, S.H., M.H., and Associate, Luthfi Marfungah, on the publication of their scholarly work titled “Regulatory Capture on Emergency Due Process of Law-Making” in a reputable international journal, Cogent Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024. May this publication serve as a valuable reference

#JRPublication: Regulatory Capture on Emergency Due Process of Law-Making Read More »

Organize a Focus Group Discussion on the Omnibus Method, Pelindo Invites Managing Partner of Jurist Resia & Co

On Friday, May 31, 2024, Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H., M.Si., Managing Partner of Jurist Resia & Co, was present as a speaker at the Focus Group Discussion “Theory of Formation and Strategy of Implementing the Omnibus Method at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero).” On that occasion, Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H., M.Si. presented material on

Organize a Focus Group Discussion on the Omnibus Method, Pelindo Invites Managing Partner of Jurist Resia & Co Read More »

Jurist Resia & Co attended to accompany PT Sentosa Kurnia Bahagia in the Public Hearing at Commission III of the DPR RI

On Monday, May 27, 2024, Jurist Resia & Co, represented by Managing Partner, Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H., M.Si., attended to accompany PT Sentosa Kurnia Bahagia in the Public Hearing at Commission III of the DPR RI regarding the delivery of aspirations over a land dispute.

Jurist Resia & Co attended to accompany PT Sentosa Kurnia Bahagia in the Public Hearing at Commission III of the DPR RI Read More »

Jurist Resia & Co attended the Prolankesma Foundation Discussion Invitation

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, Jurist Resia & Co attended an invitation from the Prolankesma Foundation, an extrastuctural organ of Perum Peruri responsible for providing health maintenance and care services to retirees and their families. Jurist Resia & Co’s presence was an integral part of the discussion related to the preparation of Legal Opinions entrusted

Jurist Resia & Co attended the Prolankesma Foundation Discussion Invitation Read More »

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Jurist Resia & Co is a business entity established in the form of a limited liability company under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia which operates in the field of legal services and legal research centers.

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