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The solutions we provide are a reflection of our professionalism and long experience in the legal field

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Jurist Resia & Co is more than just a legal service provider. Our team consists of individuals who are dedicated, innovative, and goal-oriented. We prioritize our clients, possess extensive knowledge, and actively listen. This approach allows us to deliver the best solutions and outcomes for our clients.

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Your Source of Legal Information

Publikasi JR - HOL RUPS
#JRPublication: Perbedaan RUPS dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Obligasi
Publikasi JR - HOL KPU
#JRPublication: Dapatkah KPU Menjadi Objek Hak Angket DPR?
Publikasi JR - Jurnal Prof Ibnu dan Luthfi
#JRPublication: Regulatory Capture on Emergency Due Process of Law-Making
KEGIATAN JR - Omnibus Pelindo 2
Organize a Focus Group Discussion on the Omnibus Method, Pelindo Invites Managing Partner of Jurist Resia & Co
Jurist Resia & Co attended to accompany PT Sentosa Kurnia Bahagia in the Public Hearing at Commission III of the DPR RI
Happy Eid al-Adha

We are committed to keeping you informed with the latest developments in the world of law.

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Jurist Resia & Co is a business entity established in the form of a limited liability company under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia which operates in the field of legal services and legal research centers.

Contact us to find out more information.